Transform your company’s culture and inspire leaders at every level, with a leadership consultant that has improved the productivity and profitability of over 250+ companies!

Find out whether Marc can help you, in 30 minutes or less.

Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del on your struggle to retain top clients and employees

Do you find yourself spending too much time on replacing good staff and training new hires?

Have clients been cancelling contracts? Forcing you to waste all your resources on finding new clients, rather than focusing on retaining existing ones?

It can be frustrating seeing your company struggle like this, and you’ll do everything in your power to turn things around. You may have tried increasing salaries or offering more benefits,
but nothing seems to work.

Your turnover rates remain high, and your productivity is suffering as a result. You’re spending more money than you can afford to replace good staff, and it’s taking its toll on your bottom line.

Meanwhile, the output is low and your clients are leaving. You find yourself scrambling to find new ones to fill the gap.

The solution? It’s simple…

You need a leadership consultant. Someone with the experience and know-how to identify the root causes of your problems, and take concrete steps to address them.

My name’s Marc Rowley, I can show your leaders how to get the most out of your staff, improve communication, and create a positive work environment. 

Your employees will be happier, more productive, and more loyal. You’ll be able to retain your existing clients and attract new ones with ease, all while saving money on recruitment and training costs.

Don’t wait any longer to turn things around…

Lead your business to new heights with Honesty, Integrity & Transparency

Benefit from 3+ months of leadership consultancy and…


Receive 1:1 and group coaching to discover where the problems lie in terms of culture, processes, leadership, communication, happiness and wellness.


Get an expert’s written recommendation of what needs to happen in order for the company to achieve all of its goals.


Implement the step-by-step plan that includes group workshops, ‘how to’ resources and handouts, changes to processes, and live presentations on…

All with the desired intention to improve productivity, happiness levels and profitability for the company and everyone involved.


Be able to track your success with Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and see how much more efficient the company is. There will be factual data as well as anecdotes to refer to.


Feel confident in handling similar and difficult problems going forward without my help.

…but I’m still available if you ever need me!

Overall, you will have a clear strategy that will help you reset the culture of your company, retain your best staff and clients, and increase the profitability of the business. Are you ready for change?

30 minutes with Marc. No payment required.

How can you benefit from leadership coaching?

Here are some examples from past and current clients…

There’s no limit to what you can achieve with good leadership coaching, including the improvement of staff morale in the office, the efficiency of your employees and procedures, the satisfaction levels of your clients and of course, increasing those big numbers on your financial accounts.

Ready to discover the potential of your business? Book a call with Marc today

Marc Rowley, Leadership Consultant

Your One Stop Shop for Productivity and Revenue improvements

With over 25 years in the IT industry, and a Masters Degree in Leadership and Management, my teachings have helped improve the productivity and profitability for more than 250 companies.

These results are a by-product of me improving the culture of your business.

We will implement core processes to simplify work and make daily
routines more efficient, but also work on creating a happier environment
for all involved.

Ready to boost staff morale, client satisfaction and business profits?

I can only work with 3 clients at a time, book now to avoid being disappointed!

250+ companies have benefited from my training, here are just a few of them…

“Marc’s leadership established a culture of trust and openness that empowered and motivated individuals to deliver to very high levels.  As a direct result of this atmosphere, the teams embraced change and dealt with it particularly effectively through excellent planning, collaboration and innovation.  It was a great experience to work in a team so welcoming of change and so well equipped to deal with it – as a leader/manager myself, it has provided a benchmark for my teams to work towards!  On a personal level, Marc is passionate and kind with an infectiously cheerful disposition.  I wish him well in his future endeavours.”

– Callum Coatham, Elanco

“I’ve never met anyone as enthusiastic and has a genuine passion to improve service for customers than Marc. He has a can-do positive attitude regardless of how many obstacles are placed in his way.”

– James Bailey, Royal Mail

“Marc has been invaluable to many projects that I’ve been on personally, he has a positive forward-thinking mentality, blockers quickly become unblocked and progress is made very effectively. Marc has the ability to break down complex issues that teams face and effectively resolve them whilst keeping clients and stakeholders happy, it’s a pleasure to see people working together and collaborating and Marc has a great way of breaking down barriers between teams and members to enabling this to happen essentially.”

– Mahboob Ali, cloudThing

“Marc is one of the most positive people I have ever met.  His enthusiasm and optimism really do help to motivate team members. When working for Marc he always shared knowledge and strived to elevate the team.  He wanted team members to grow and progress and would always ensure they shone and were recognised for their achievements.”

– Verity Cheyne, BT

“Marc stepped into a workstream role where he led a team responsible for delivering a diverse set of products. Marc provided operational direction to the team members whilst he personally delivered the more strategic elements – working closely with senior client stakeholders.  His engagement with the clients and the quality of the deliverables was first class and he operated with very little background guidance – from a Management point of view, he went in and made the problem go away.”

– Daniel Delicate, Capgemini

Only taking on 3 clients at a time. Claim your spot in minutes!

Have a question?

Let’s see if I’ve answered it below…

My clients typically see results after 3 months but there have been many cases where we’ve made a positive impact on the business culture on day one.

HIT Leadership is perfect for any IT company (with 50+ employees) that suffers with…

  • Low morale
  • High turnover of staff
  • Burnout, high sickness levels
  • Poor customer relationships
  • Reduced revenue (each quarter or each year)
  • A “them and us” mentality between departments
  • Decrease in productivity

Timescales may vary depending on the size of the company, which will determine whether I work on a 1:1 basis with each employee or at a team/department level.

For the decision-makers of the company, such as the CEO and other C-suite individuals, I would require just 4 pain-free days of your time within a 90-day period.

Yes! We can deliver this training virtually so that it is accessible to anyone and everyone within your company.

It depends on many factors such as the size of the company and your business requirements.

That’s why it’s important to jump on a call first to understand your needs before discussing prices.

The discovery call will be completely free and there is no obligation to sign up for anything. Get a free quote today!

Don’t see your question? Drop me an email here.

Discover the true potential of your business in 30 minutes or less, with leadership expert, Marc Rowley

The cost of replacing good staff and finding new clients greatly overshadows the cost of implementing good, procedural changes today.

Now is the time to lead by example and create a culture that allows your employees to flourish, and build a business that your dream clients will be begging to work with.

Marc Rowley: "I guarantee that I will...

Increase your Customers’ Net Promotor Score (NPS) and Employees’ Net Promotor Score (ENPS) within 3 months, or I’ll continue to work with you for FREE until you do!

These scores will be a significant indicator that your business productivity and efficiency have increased, which to you means… bigger profits.”

All you have to do is follow and implement the proposed plan. Before then, let’s jump on a call to see if I can help you or not. Sound good?

3 client slots only. Book now to avoid missing out!

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